2 Atlanta Friends Who Love Trying New Restaurants

We started January 2005 on a New Year's resolution to start trying new restaurants. We, like many other people, were stuck in a rut of always going to the same places. Atlanta has so many awesome restaurants and we felt like we were not taking advantage of them. We take suggestions from local magazines, word of mouth and the internet. See if you can figure out where you will spot us next month...

We are always open to suggestions - keep the comments coming!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Steel - August 2010

This is a Chinese, Korean and Japanese restaurant all rolled into one. Located on West Peachtree in the heart of Midtown. We started out with Edamame and that was quite tasty. Having a craving for Korean beef, that was the choice for the evening. While it was good, does not compare to the Korean on Buford Highway. However, the apple fritters with ice cream at the end made the meal better.