2 Atlanta Friends Who Love Trying New Restaurants

We started January 2005 on a New Year's resolution to start trying new restaurants. We, like many other people, were stuck in a rut of always going to the same places. Atlanta has so many awesome restaurants and we felt like we were not taking advantage of them. We take suggestions from local magazines, word of mouth and the internet. See if you can figure out where you will spot us next month...

We are always open to suggestions - keep the comments coming!

Friday, October 23, 2009


Must make reservations several months in advance as Kevin Rathbun is a winner from Iron Chef America. We went there for Hallie's birthday in May 2008 and were lucky enough to sit at the Chef Table. We thought it was going to be in the kitchen, but in reality it was the table closest to the kitchen and didn't prove to be any different than the other tables. We ordered all small plates including the Hand Cut French Fries with Blue Cheese Fondue, Pan Fried Kefalotiri Cheese, Salt & Pepper Shrimp and Risotto. We haven't been back, but would in a heartbeat. Hallie's favorite restaurant in Atlanta.


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